Novik, Yekutiel (“Kuti”)

Novik, Yekutiel (“Kuti”)

Son of-Avraham and Sonia. He was born on the 25th of Shvat, Tel Aviv (4.2.1940) in Tel Aviv. Yekutiel studied at the Tel Hai elementary school in Tel Aviv and from fifth grade through eighth grade attended the school at Kibbutz Givat Hashlosha – Einat. Afterward he studied and completed his studies at the “Shevach” vocational high school in Tel Aviv. Be kind and be kind to everyone. Yekutiel did not seek correction for the ravages of the world, but the afflictions of society in Israel harassed him, and even though he was not a nuisance, he used to make complaints about them from time to time. Stood with both feet on the ground of reality, but this reality included not only material values ​​but also love and Yaffa human relations. He loved his family with love and devotion to his parents. He was a devoted son and a good friend of his friends and acquaintances. He was whole in his soul without contradictions and doubts and made his way to the right. In November 1957, he was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Ordnance Corps, completing a course in technical divisions and then being sent to the Armored Corps as a tank mechanic, while getting to know each and every item in the armored vehicles (the tank and the half-track) Multifocal professional information. Gradually he was promoted-and his work grew; But as usual, he did not complain and worked on striving to improve – until he reached the rank of sergeant. Upon his discharge from the army, he would occasionally go on reserve duty, and at the outbreak of the Six-Day War he would be included in this framework. He served in the battalion as commander of a technical squad and fulfilled his duties efficiently. During the fighting in the Dotan Valley in the battle over the Qabatiya junction, Yekutiel saw a tank of our forces under heavy fire from the enemy tanks. Without an order, he moved towards the burning tank to check for casualties. In the midst of this battle, when he was working on repairing damaged tanks and rescuing casualties, Yekutiel was seriously injured and when the company commander asked him to treat him, he said it would be better to treat the other wounded because “I have no chance” and a few minutes later died of his wounds. , A wife, son and daughter, was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Afula and was later transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in a condolence letter that the unit commander wrote To his wife he noted his wondrous behavior during the most difficult and bitter hours of the battle, his faithful and loyal duties, and his devotion to the cause, And his exemplary courage on the battlefield was commended by the GOC Northern Command, whose memory was raised in the Givatayim City Information and Local Information Bulletin and in the book “The Book of the Fallen,” published by the Givatayim Municipality, “praise”.

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