Nevel, Zvi-Horst (Tim)

Nevel, Zvi-Horst (Tim)

Son of Fritz. He was born on January 1, 1923, in the city of Breslau, Germany. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, Zvi joined a Habonim training group in the town of Broderhof near Hamburg and in February 1939 immigrated to Eretz Israel with the Youth Aliyah. The “Batlem” group, to which he belonged, was accepted to continue her training for Givat Hashlosha, and from there she immigrated to Kibbutz Ein Gev. But Zvi’s turbulent soul could not rest. At the outbreak of World War II, Zvi responded to the call of Yishuv institutions and enlisted in the British army. He was assigned to the Transportation Unit of the Hebrew Transport Unit (“Yael”), number 462, and he served in Egypt and the Western Desert. At the end of April 1943, a large convoy of ships headed for Malta, with reinforcements and equipment in preparation for the Allied invasion of Sicily, assembled in the port of Alexandria. Zvi’s unit boarded the ship “Arinapura,” sailing at the head of the convoy. On 27 Nisan, May 1, 1943, a German reconnaissance plane discovered German convoys. The “Aryanpura” suffered a direct hit and went down to the depths with 140 members of the unit. Zvi was among them. He is remembered in the book “Yizkor” of the Jabotinsky Institute and in the “Book of Volunteerism”, a special booklet of “Lachayal” appeared to commemorate the event. In the missing section of the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, a monument was erected in the form of a ship and next to it a water pool with the names of the 140 fallen on its bottom.

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