Neumark, David (Dudi)

Neumark, David (Dudi)

Son of Rivka and Baruch Noy, the first Jewish mayor of Acre, was born on 15.6.1932 in Jerusalem and began his studies at the Tachkemoni school. At school he was fond of his teachers with his diligence and politeness. In 1939, he went to Christchurch, New Zealand, where he continued his studies in a government school and received pre-military education, and he also maintained his ties with Jewish tradition and culture. In his speech at his bar mitzvah, “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget it,” and even demanded that his parents hasten their return to Israel. When he was accepted into the ranks of the Gadna, he was very Simcha and began his activities for the homeland in liaison services, and his happiness was even greater due to the fact that he was in Israel and happily shared with the entire Yishuv the UN resolution of 29 November 1947. On December 28, 1947, at the time of his transfer to a member of Hagana in the Romema neighborhood, a Lehi attack was carried out against a rioters’ nest in the Arab part of the neighborhood. In response, the British policemen shot the Jews who had come to them, Death in David: He was buried on the Mount of Olives, his name engraved on the monument erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in memory of those who died in the Jewish Quarter and the memory of fallen soldiers who were killed in the battle for Jerusalem.

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