Netzer, Yitzhak

Netzer, Yitzhak

Son of Moshe and you. His father is a colonel in the IDF and a former Nahal commander. Yitzhak was born on March 4, 1948 in the Ramat Yochanan group and was educated at the joint school in Gush-Zevulun, where he completed his studies in elementary and later grades and was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement, He also loved animals, he also loved touring, he excelled in riding and participated in several riding competitions, he continued to know and know the life of the Arabs, he learned their language and often visited their tents and Bedouin tents in the vicinity of the farm and even in more distant places. In November 1966 he volunteered for the Paratroopers Unit, and a few months later, on the 27th of Shvat 5727 (27.1.1967), in the course of his duties he fell and was brought to eternal rest in the group where he was born. The group issued a memorial booklet in his name. The “Rider’s Day” (horse race) was held in Ramat Yohanan. At Midreshet Sde Boker a room was opened in his memory to study the subject of the Bedouin – and the room was named after him.

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