Ness, Israel

Ness, Israel

Ben Esther and Zvi. He was born on May 30, 1938 in Poland and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1948. Israel, a Holocaust survivor, joined the partisans in the Polish forests with his parents. He began his elementary studies in Poland and completed his studies at the Neve Shalom School in Jaffa. After graduating from the IDF, he was recruited to the IDF at the beginning of August 1956 and was stationed in the Armored Corps. After basic training, he took a training course in tanker training and served as a NCO tank. In 1959 he married Sarah and they built their home in Ra’anana. Over the years their three children were born. Israel’s devotion to his family, his concern and his love for each of her sons knew no bounds. As a son to his parents, as husband, father, and later as grandfather, he was a pillar and role model for each member of the family. “And so the courtship lasted for thirty-eight years, when you are a friend, a lover, a lover, a fan and give me credit all along.” “A big man with a big heart and a great soul, the love of our lives, and always with a smile, with that good look in the small eyes, I loved so much.” And his son-in-law Moshe writes: “I felt from the very first moment that you loved me, and all the time I was looking for a warm and loving home like yours. In 1974, Israel volunteered for a permanent position in the maintenance corps as a noncommissioned officer, and over the course of five years he was responsible for a warehouse and tents in a equipment base, and according to his commander, he showed remarkable diligence and control. The good evaluations of his commanders throughout his career are: “A serious guy who studies the subject thoroughly.” “In a short period of time, he proved diligence, order, discipline, equipment and control over his subordinates in an exceptional manner.” “Dedicated, loyal, efficient, proactive And performs every function entrusted to him with maximum efficiency. “” Highly motivated, striving to advance the issues on them He is in charge. “” An excellent anti-Semite with a very high personal initiative. “” An excellent professional who fulfills his role with remarkable dedication, responsibility and precision, with the thought and resourcefulness of solving the problems that arise in the field. ” His work is superior. With initiative and imagination and serves as an example and model for those around him. In spite of his medical limitations he functions admirably and in most cases beyond the usual working hours. “During his service, Israel paid accounting courses, and Israel always smiled, always optimistic, and received the award of the Sinai Campaign, the Six Day War On February 2, 1993, Israel fell while serving in the military cemetery in Ra’anana, leaving behind a woman – Sarah, Ben Yair – two daughters – Ronit and Ayala, He received a certificate of appreciation and respect for his service in the army, and in a letter of condolences to the family, his commander wrote: “A man who carried on his shoulders a matte Miracle of all those around him, which is the miracle of the late Warrant Officer Israel. He loves peace and pursues justice, loves people, and people love him, loves a person as a person. He came to the aid of others before taking care of himself. His service in the Warehouses section was done by casting content with rich and original values. Israel has made its mark on every corner, and its signs are evident at every turn. Throughout the 18 years he served in our unit, Israel has unceasingly won over the IDF’s largest storage system. With a pleasant smileHis ability and great personality managed to steer clear of the way and was a pioneer in the camp with devotion and loyalty to the task. We will not be able to describe even a few of the many achievements that Israel led when the main concern is the concern for the individual and the great improvement in providing service to the IDF units while constantly improving our efficiency. All of it. ” His wife donated a Torah library to the Hapoel Hamizrachi synagogue in Ra’anana.

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