Neiman, Albert

Neiman, Albert

Son of Lucy and Pablo, was born on July 26, 1960 in Chile and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1964. The family settled in Eilat, where Albert bought his education, attended the “Arava” elementary school, When he arrived in Eilat, Albert asked to be admitted to the academic reserve, and was accepted to the Mathematics Department at Tel Aviv University, after which he gave up the reserve and asked to enlist in the IDF. Albert was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in late October 1978. He underwent various professional courses in the Corps and, as he declared more than once, saw his future as a career soldier, continued serving after the end of compulsory service. In an anti-aircraft missile unit, and the commanders’ opinions were very positive: “He performs his duty well, an officer with an open mind,” “a very capable officer, (October 7, 1984), Lieutenant Albert fell during his service and was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Eilat, Parents and two brothers. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, wrote to his commander: “Albert came to our Unit … Having chosen professional endorse military weapon system which we run our unit. Albert was an officer with high potential, access to people, training ability, serious, responsible and devoted to his work. His promotion in the unit was assured, and I know that he expected the challenges that awaited him in the following positions “

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