Negev, Norman

Negev, Norman

Flori’s son Raymond had gone. Norman was born in India on September 18, 1969, to a family of five.In the beginning of 1970, when Norman was a few months old, the family immigrated to Israel, where they lived in Ramle, where Norman grew up, To the IDF. He served as a combat soldier in the Border Police and later as the head of the Border Police commander’s office at the time. Norman proved himself to be a serious, devoted, reliable and highly morale soldier, and after completing three years of compulsory service, he continued to serve in the unit for a year. Shortly after his discharge from the army, Norman joined the police and began serving in the police unit of the Ramleh police force, where he succeeded, among other things, receiving a certificate of appreciation for the capture of property offenders in September 1993: “Norman was a quiet guy, Hard. “At the beginning of 1994 Norman moved to serve as a researcher in the Ramle police station, and was also highly praised for this, for example, his commander wrote about a successful investigation he carried out with a partner:” The interrogators Charlie Azaria and Norman Negev Save every effort to expose the truth, invest many hours of work, use technical means and carry out various investigative exercises … The effort, the investment, the initiative, and the manner in which the investigation was carried out led to the filing of an indictment and detention until the end of the proceedings. Norman married Iris, and the couple set up their home in Kiryat Gat, and Norman moved to serve in the Investigations Department at the Kiryat Gat police station “Norman said,” When Norman came to the station and was appointed as a researcher, he immediately turned out to be an ingenious, resourceful and friendly guy, “he said.” He did his work in a way that could serve as an example to many. ” Over the years, Norman has advanced to the rank of First Sergeant, Norman and Iris built their family in Kiryat Gat, and lovingly raised their son, Amit, and his daughter Adi, who fell in the course of his duties on 28 August 1997. . He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Gat. He left a wife, son, and daughter. “Dear Norman, we salute you,” Norman eulogized the Kiryat Gat police chief: “Norman is short of praise, and is too short to contain question marks, your memory will not fade from our midst, your smile and seriousness will be engraved forever. “Norman was an excellent researcher, doing the work quietly and in the best possible way, and the whole sector loved him, and his absence is well felt.” On his birthday, his daughter, Adi, wrote: “Growing up without a father is not easy … I would like to tell my father experiences that I had in school, things that happened to me and things I love … I felt sad and very difficult … The year of Norman’s fall was held in Kiryat Gat, in front of many spectators, in a memory game between the two teams in which he served – the Ramle Police and the Kiryat Gat Police, Norman’s son kicked off the game, the Kiryat Gat police team won, and Norman’s family was awarded a Shield of Honor. On the “Gilad in Memory” site of the Israel Police, a page was opened in memory of Norman, including his biography, photos of him, photographs of certificates of appreciation received and things Remember.

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