Navot, Michael-Michi

Navot, Michael-Michi

Son of Tuvia and Tamar. He was born on the 11th of Iyar 5708 (April 1, 1958) in Jerusalem. He completed the elementary school near the Teachers’ College in Beit Hakerem and continued to study at the Hebrew University High School. Was one of the best students and its main characteristics – the thoroughness and the unwillingness to compromise or do things half – have captured the hearts of his teachers. The most prominent feature of his personality was the willingness to help, to reach out to others, to a schoolmate, to parents and to the rest of the family. Michi joined the Hatikvatenu club, which promoted youth assistance and became a leader in this club. He was a member of a wandering circle for the knowledge of the country and his classmates, touring the country in all its length. Hence, for the final work at the high school, he chose the subject of “the development of the borders of the Land of Israel.” Apart from the knowledge of Israel, his main hobbies were music, guitar fretting, and computer programs. Michael was a good and loyal friend, a loving brother, and a dedicated son. Michael was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1976 and was assigned, after the basic training, to an anti-aircraft unit in the air force. Even as a soldier, Miki performed all his duties with dedication, devotion to the cause, without giving up to others or to himself. He completed an anti-aircraft course, a course in the Golani Brigade, and was certified as a 40mm anti-aircraft gunner and as a lieutenant.his commanding qualities and his ability as a guide soon attracted the attention of his commanders, who set him up as a guide to mobile anti-aircraft guns. Two weeks before the end of the course, on February 13, 1978, Michael fell during his service and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery. Military presence on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, two sisters and a brother. After his death, Michael was promoted to lieutenant colonel. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote, among other things: “Michael stood out for his intelligence, his great dedication to his job, his serious approach to work, and the essence of his love of the homeland and the IDF.

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