Nathan, Eliezer (Zohary)

Nathan, Eliezer (Zohary)

Son of Miriam and Aharon, was born on the 27th of Elul, September 9, 1931 in the city of Varna, Bulgaria, to active Zionist parents and owners of a fur workshop. In 1948 he came to Israel and was sent with a youth company to Beit Hashita. He joined the navy and served in the landing company. During his training, he excelled in all areas and in shooting in particular. His ambition was “To be a good soldier, just as he was a good pioneer.”

On the night of July 17-18, 1948, Operation “Death to the Intruder” took place, in an attempt to break through the Negev. For this purpose the operation intensified the Givati ​​Brigade was ordered to attack the village of Beit-Afa to the north, together with a Givati ​​company that attacked from the south. The company broke into the village from the north, but the attack from the south failed. The Egyptians concentrated their efforts against the landing company that clung to the village and finally had to retreat. This battle took place on the 11th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948). On the 16th of Tishrei 5710 (October 9, 1949), Eliezer was brought to his resting place at the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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