Nathan, Elhanan (Hanani)

Nathan, Elhanan (Hanani)

Son of Shoshana and Moshe. He was born on 23 rd March 1968 in Jerusalem. He is the second son of a family of four. He spent his childhood and youth in Jerusalem. Elhanan studied at the Moriah and Mevasseret elementary schools and at the Feldman high school in the mechanics department, which he loved. Elhanan was a man with initiatives, diligent, who always cared for his parents and his brother loved them. Prior to his induction into the IDF, Elhanan went to a truck driver course in a pre-military framework, and in mid-October 1985 Elhanan was drafted into the IDF. He went on to basic training, joined the army and was on missions. At the end of basic training, Elhanan went on to train truck drivers and was sent to serve in the Jordan Valley. On December 9, 1985, he fell while carrying out his duties. Elhanan perished in a fire that broke out at the base on the night of the second Hanukkah candle. Seven soldiers were killed with him. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, sister Etty and two brothers – Matti and Yossi

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