Nasser al-Din, Lutfi Amal

Nasser al-Din, Lutfi Amal

Son of Amal and bowing. Born on February 19, 1946 in the village of Daliyat al-Carmel. Lutfi was among a respectable family. His father serves as the secretary of the Dalit-al-Karmel and Isfiya workers ‘council and the head of the Druze soldiers’ division next to the executive committee of the Histadrut. Lutfi studied at the local elementary school and continued his high school studies in the municipal high school in Haifa. He was an active member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement and a leader of the Druze Scouts movement. He was a sports fan, played football and watched national games. He was a very sociable young man and loved to talk to his friends about the problems of the hour – especially the problems of the community. His hobby was collecting pictures of various events. Lutfi was drafted into the IDF in November 1963, underwent a platoon commander’s course and was awarded the rank of sergeant. In mid-May 1966, he joined the career army and immediately received a platoon sergeant course and received the position of lieutenant colonel, and his commanders wrote in his opinion: “He works energetically, willingly, responsibly and fulfills all his duties to the fullest satisfaction of his commanders.” On September 7, 1969, Lutfi was about to return his equipment and go on leave, but that morning he learned of the chance to go out for a chase – and then He decided to go out with his friends and postpone his departure home, and Lutfi fell in the chase, in which four terrorists were killed Hundreds of telegrams and letters arrived at his father’s home when the news item was published, and among those sending the cables of sorrow and pain were Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon, Minister of Labor Mr. Yosef Almogi and Minister of Tourism Mr. Moshe Kol The Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan, Knesset members, dignitaries of the community, officers of the IDF, and other members of the IDF, And border guards and comrades in arms. “The sergeant Lutfi Nasir-al-Din cursed his heroine soul in a battle with a group of terrorists who wanted to infiltrate through the desert and reach our settlements,” the minister said. Lutfi Nasser-al-Din stood with his friends night and night, guarding our borders in the north and south, east and west, and these Druze soldiers protect our lives and sometimes the best and the boldest ones, the ones who risk more than the others, break out and storm and their holy blood drains our land. She is great in the barbershop, but she is big in spirit, and her villages and towns are safe on Mount Carmel The Druze Mountains, the paths of the desert and the Arava roads, the brave Druze are moving in the car and on their feet, defeating those who try to infiltrate our country and murder us. “The Israeli government bows its head and the IDF lowers its flag In honor of the hero, Sergeant Lutfi Nasar-al-Din, who sacrificed his young life for the sake of his people, his army and his homeland. “Among the speakers at the grave was Druze member Sheikh Jaber Muadi, commander of the minority unit and leader of the Druze community. On the 40th anniversary of Lutfi’s death, the Arab department held a memorial ceremony in which he declared that the Histadrut house in the village would be named after Lutfi; The director of the “Hero” factory announced that the factory’s board of directors had decided to commemorate his name and call his name on the new building to be built in Daliyat al-Carmel; Director of the Jerusalem State School in Bat Yam17 The students of his school dedicated a special corner to the memory of Lutfi and planted 23 trees to commemorate his heroism, and the students arranged an album containing poetic and poetic poetry, and at the same ceremony the director presented this album to Avi Lutfi Among the Druze who fell in Israel’s wars, his memory was raised.

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