Naparstek, Shmuel

Naparstek, Shmuel

The son of Hanna and David, Shmuel was born on the 15th of Shvat 5684, January 21, 1924, in the city of Kalisz, Poland. He arrived in Israel on 27 June 1948 and enlisted immediately. Shmuel fought in the Jerusalem Hills and was injured in a combat operation in the framework of the Palmach Harel Brigade on 18 October 1948. He participated in a successful operation in Beit Jamal and on the way back to the base, the car ran over a mine and he was injured. Shmuel was transferred to a hospital in Abu Gosh and on the 16th of Tishrei 5709 (19.10.1948) died of his wounds before he could be operated on. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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