Nahum, Merav

Nahum, Merav

The eldest daughter of Zahava and Rahamim. She was born on 11 April 1977 in Jerusalem, where she grew up and was educated. When she was three years old, her brother, Ronen, who died seven years later during open heart surgery, joined her family, the same year her sister, Renana, was born. Merav began her studies at Carmeli Elementary School, and successfully graduated from the Beit Hinuch High School in the humanitarian track. At the beginning of November 1995, Merav enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces and after graduating cum laude, she was assigned to serve in the communications unit of an intelligence unit, and her commanders described her as a responsible and devoted soldier who showed great willingness to contribute and invest in her duties, On February 25, 1996, Merav boarded bus No. 18 on her way to the base. Near the central bus station in Jerusalem, a Hamas suicide bomber blew himself up on the bus. Twenty-five people were killed in the attack, and most of them were killed. Merav was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. She was promoted to corporal after her death, and was followed by her parents and sister: “Corporal Merav arrived in our unit a few days ago, after successfully completing a course in the Signal Corps and then being assigned to the Intelligence Corps “My short acquaintance led me to decide on her position as a sensitive and senior figure, but unfortunately, this plan did not come to fruition after Merav’s short life story was cut off and left us stunned and hurt.”

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