Nahum, Idan

Nahum, Idan

Ben Nechama and Eliyahu. Born on December 12, 1976 in Haifa, Idan was born five days before the holiday of the Urim, and brought a great light to his family – a handsome boy with huge blue eyes Idan attended Ramot Elementary School “In the Ramat Shaul neighborhood of Haifa, continued at the Leo Baeck junior high school, and graduated from the” Shuv “vocational high school in Neveh David, where he was very friendly and very athletic and played basketball and was a member of the children’s team in Kiryat Sprinzak. And excelled in all kinds of sports, but when he grew up he went surfing, and he surfed well in the summer and winter, and excited his close friends in this sport. When he was in high school, Idan Tiklitia, with his friend Nir, established professional parties, birthdays, volunteered to conduct music at fashion shows at the fashion trend at home – his book and all the graduation ceremonies of the school year, events and parties at the WIZO children’s home in Carmel and at events of adults, family and friends. In the period leading up to his army service, Idan developed a new hobby of jewelry, creating handmade jewels from silver gemstones and giving them to his friends for free, as a souvenir from him. He had many admirers who called his house constantly and many friends, and was recruited to the IDF in late November 1995. He began his basic training at the Nitzanim base and was then to join the naval unit in Haifa. Only four days after he began his basic training at the end of his home leave, he felt ill. He refused to accept his mother’s wishes to go to a sick roll and insisted on returning to the unit. Idan turned to a sick roll and was sent to the paramedic for help, who gave him pills to reduce fever and sore throat and nose drops, and sent him to the encampment without referring him to the only doctor. For two days Idan lay in the encampment, sick with viral flu, which developed into severe pneumonia. Two days later, Idan was evacuated to the unit’s clinic by his friends and then sent by the unit’s doctor to the hospital. For five days the doctors fought for his life, with all his family and friends around him, but on December 23, 1995, his strong body was overcome by a violent Staphylococcus virus, and his family believed, He was survived by his parents and two brothers – Ronen and Guy – Idan fell just six years after his day at the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, His parents commemorated him in memory corners of the schools where he studied.

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