Nahum Ella

Nahum Ella

Son of Dalia and Moshe, Nahum was born on April 25, 1979 in Jerusalem. The eldest brother of Deganit, Noam and Naama. Nachum grew up and was educated in the light of the values ​​of his country’s love and heritage. His father, a member of a well-known family of contractors, contributed greatly to the construction of the land and his mother. Nahum absorbed from his parents the recognition of the importance of the family as a supreme value, as well as the values ​​of loving one’s fellow man and helping others. He began his childhood in Mitzpeh Ramon in the Negev, where he came from his father’s work in the family marble factory. Nachum began his elementary studies at the Mizpe Ramon State School and enjoyed the desert experience that gave him many experiences and trips. When he was in third grade, he was part of a delegation of students who passed the flag of the Jewish National Fund for safekeeping from Mitzpeh Ramon to Jerusalem. By chance, the flag was handed over to the Luria school in Jerusalem, where he went to study after a month and there he also finished sixth grade. Nahum stood out as an active and sociable child, who paid close attention to him. He was a member of the Scouts movement and devoted himself to activity in the Modiin tribe. Nachum continued his studies in the junior high and high schools in Denmark and completed the design program using a computer system. He was prominent in the school community when he was loved, admired and charismatic, and had leadership and initiative. “I want them to know that when I say something – I say only the truth, I want them to believe me and always!” One of his teachers testifies to his qualities: “His influence was through the friendship and the personal example, the classmates knew that Nachum was with them at all times, they knew that he could be relied upon, his strong character and his physical strength provided a solid basis for support, Class. ” Nahum Yoffe and the owner of the conquering smile were synonymous with joy and love and were able to enjoy the pleasures of life. He was at the center of social activity at the school and contributed to creating a pleasant atmosphere and a good mood as he was responsible for playing music for dancing during breaks. As a sports fan, he skated and skated and practiced in a gym. The love of the country, which he inherited from his parents, was manifested in his participation in nature walks, jeep trips, and horseback riding. Nachum was careful to instill his values ​​in others, and it was only natural that he became a young shlach instructor, accompanied many trips of the various age groups and also gained new admirers and admirers on his trips. At the end of the twelfth grade, thanks to his personal charm, he was chosen to lead the graduation ceremony of his class, 5727-1997, and did so with great grace. His varied personality was expressed in the words of the school principal, who defined him as a paradox: “a responsible student, mentally mature, with the judgment of an adult, and on the other hand a lively, mischievous student involved in pranks.” Nachum aspired to serve in the Golani Brigade and explained this in his desire to “take part in the responsibility that is imposed on the army.” At the end of July 1997, he was drafted into the IDF, full of motivation and energy, and his ambition was fulfilled and he was assigned to the Golani Brigade’s Signal Company, where he was trained as a combat soldier and sent to a paramedics course. His professional skills as a medic and his personal example gave his friends a sense of security, and his commanders assigned him to an officer’s course and to prepare him for a command post in the brigade.”Nachum aspired to contribute and volunteer throughout his career in the Golani Brigade in general and in the Company of Communications in particular … We, the company commanders, believed that he could command a military framework as he was instructed to do and lead wherever he needed, for he was an exemplary example in everything he did.” During his service Nachum was asked by his commanders to join the medic as a veteran crew member and serve as part of a force that carried out operational missions at the Beaufort outpost. Nahum responded to the request by saying, “If that’s what I have to do, that’s what I’ll do.” As soon as he arrived at the team, he made warm and friendly connections with the new members, and later on, when Nachum joined the veteran team of the Falahik, Nahum was the unifying force connecting the new soldiers with the veterans. With a common destiny. He worked for social cohesion in organizing meetings, trips and joint activities outside the military framework. In preparation for the unit’s departure for operational employment in Lebanon, he initiated a joint lunch in Jerusalem for all members of the Falahik, a meal that became the most pleasant and exciting event they had experienced during their joint military service. The change in the mission created a certain disappointment among the members of the team, but fortunately, before the seven days of the unit’s stay in the outpost, when they set out to perform a coordination and testing mission, the force mounted on a side bomb Which was detonated on a remote control and detonated on the 27th of Cheshvan 5709 (16.11.1998), Nahum fell in battle in Lebanon at the age of 19. Sergeant Raz Promovitch and Sergeant Yosef Ben Moha were killed, and four soldiers were wounded, and Nahum was brought to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. , A brother and two brothers, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant in his letter of condolence to the bereaved family. “Nachum served as a combat soldier and as a medic in the Golani Brigade’s liaison unit in the Northern Command, Diligently and with infinite devotion, striving for excellence. ” The deputy commander of the company wrote to the family: “A man like Nachum is the one who makes our army so special, the devotion, the sacrifice, the responsibility and the maturity that you discovered, and you are only 19.” The press extensively covered the circumstances of the disaster and many stories told about Nahum and enlightened him. Nachum’s family, together with the Danish school, published a booklet in his memory containing pictures, poems and letters of family members, friends, the school’s educational staff and commanders in the army. Nachum’s father wrote: “The lines of your esteemed figure, Nahum, you created in your strong, determined and loving character, out of devotion, listening, support, reinforcement and concern. . ” The team members wrote: “It is painful to remember you only as a person who has passed away from the world, because you live within us, in our personal and team being.” We still remember you alive, laughing and lively, singing Eastern songs and taking everything easy, Who will be responsible and lead – you have been the one who heads everyone and takes forward. ” Nahum’s parents commemorated a synagogue in Jerusalem and established a website in his memory: www.yadnahum.co.il.

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  • Name: נעמה
    Relationship: Family member

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