Nahum, Calpo

Nahum, Calpo

Son of Rachel and Yehuda was born in 1912 in Tripoli, the capital of Libya in North Africa. He longed to immigrate to Israel, During the riots in 1945 he was active in the Jewish defense organization and participated in the persecution of the rioters from the Jewish quarter. Shortly after the declaration of the state, he liquidated his business and went to Italy with his wife, and from there they took off and arrived in Israel on June 30, 1948. From the airport he went straight to the army and was attached to the Palmach battalion. His desire to go immediately to the front was not fulfilled, because he had to undergo training first. In his service in the army, he is praised as a responsible soldier, dedicated and disciplined, carrying hardships in will and understanding without complaint. While on guard duty at the Yona camp in Tel Aviv, he was killed in an arms accident on the 6th of Av, August 11, 1948. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Netanya.

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