Naguquer, Elkan

Naguquer, Elkan

Son of Yosef and Rachel. Was born on December 31, 1956 in Bombay, India. In 1960 the family immigrated to Yeruham. He studied at the Hanassi elementary school and continued to study at the youth center in Yeruham. Until his enlistment in the army he worked by profession. In his home he was courteous to his entire family, especially to his little brothers, whom he had helped with his studies. His hobbies were sports and movies, and he even excelled in soccer and basketball. Elkan was drafted into the IDF in early January 1975. After completing his basic training in the truck drivers course, he wanted to improve his knowledge of the Hebrew language and did a Hebrew language course on behalf of the army. On the 27th of Shevat (29.1.1976), Elkan died during his service, and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Yeruham, his hometown, where he died at the age of 20. He had eight brothers and sisters.

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