Nafchan, Moshe (Mishka, Nafha)

Nafchan, Moshe (Mishka, Nafha)

Son of Shindel-Yaffa and Baruch was born on December 15, 1927, in the city of Wysock, Poland. He immigrated to Israel in 1935 and lived in Jerusalem. From an early age, he experienced a life of labor. Moshe graduated from Tachkemoni School and studied evening classes. Afterward, he went to the hachshara in Ein Gev and found his place. He was one of the most cheerful in society, with a sense of humor. In the course of the discussions, he would not speak publicly, but he often thought about” the gang “,” devoted himself to its vision, and played every role in faith and will. Moshe worked as a mechanic and was the playboy of the garage. His friends called him by the nickname Redhead. On the 1st of Adar 2, 5708 (March 12, 1948), on a mission of his battalion, the “Haemek” battalion of the Palmach (later the “Yiftach” Brigade) went to escort a convoy to the Jordan Valley and fell near Tzemach police. With him fell his good friend. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Degania Aleph.

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