Nachmias, Ahad (Nir)

Nachmias, Ahad (Nir)

Ben Rivka and Shmuel. Was born on 7.11.1978 in Jerusalem, a twin brother of Dror and the younger brother of Dorit and Yaron, one of whom came five minutes after his brother and was small in comparison to him, and due to the complications of his birth he suffered from mild dyslexia and from a young age it was clear that He will have to work harder, but he has a strong character, with great determination and optimism, and thanks to them he managed to overcome the difficulties, starting with his studies at the David Stone Elementary School in Jerusalem and continuing with the ORT Minkoff Junior High School. When his friends went to play, one of them went to a special school framework and, with the help of a private teacher, completed the gap Maturity, and willpower in his understanding that because of his learning disability, he must try harder, concentrate his energies and work hard to achieve what others have come to easily.This understanding has become a slogan that has accompanied him all his life. In the Scouts movement and a member of the Jubilee tribe, later joining the Gadna Air Force, and in this framework he learned to build models and even flew a light plane and a light plane. He later became a counselor at the Kiryat Moshe branch of the movement. When he reached the eleventh grade, he moved to Acre with his family and successfully completed his studies at the Orts high school in the name of Draski, where he studied in the biological track, one of whom loved music and spent hours of his time listening to rock music. He took books seriously and thoroughly, carefully collecting albums and cultivating his room as a small kingdom, and when he graduated from college he worked for a living in every casual job. About his desire to reach Nahal. He has always maintained that volunteering for a combat unit is the small civilian contribution he can make to the state. At the end of March 1997, one of them joined the IDF and was assigned to the Nahal Brigade’s “Shaham” battalion. After completing basic training and combat training, he was sent to a course for squad commanders, which he proudly concluded because he was elected to command post. Due to the limitation that accompanied him as a child, one developed a special sensitivity to the feelings of his subordinates. In every task he was assigned, he took care of his men and bothered every detail, small and big. His commanders were impressed by his dedication to his soldiers and his position and recommended his departure for the officers’ course. There was a special closeness between his twin brother Dror and he looked forward to the bi-weekly meetings between them, the joint basketball games and the exchange of experiences about military service. Now one of them had achieved freedom in the height and breadth of his sturdy body, but they remained one body and one soul. In many cases, one would change his vacation dates so as not to miss the meeting with his brothers and other family members. Many hopes and yearnings, aspirations for military progress, plans for liberation, planning a trip with his brother to South America, and many other plans were abruptly cut short. One, erect and smiling, with a reverberating laugh, was picked up when he was full and alive, in an operational operation to which he had left and had not returned. On the 27th of Kislev 5759 (27.11.1998), one of the battles in Lebanon took place on a mission headed by a combined force of armored and infantry soldiers who moved in armored vehicles, and an explosive device was detonated which completely neutralized the APC but did not cause casualties . One of them headed the vehicle rescue mission with the help of the tanks in force, and together with the tank commander, he connected the chain to the APC trailer, and then the terrorists detonated another explosive charge, one of which was exposed to the tug of war.Soldiers were wounded. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. He was twenty years old when he died. Survived by parents, two brothers and a sister. After his death, he was promoted to First Sergeant. The battalion commander eulogized him on his grave in the words: “You belong to the family of fighters, the family of the chosen ones whom you so loved.” On one’s tombstone were the words he used to quote: “I wanted to stay with you, thinking of me smiling, my body is not – that’s all.” In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the then Chief of Staff, Shaul Mofaz, wrote: “One (Nir) served as a squad commander in the Nahal Brigade’s Nahal Brigade and was described by his commanders as an outstanding soldier who performed his duties in the best possible way (Nir) was a personal example and exemplary figure, stood out professionally and quietly, and was admired and accepted by his commanders and subordinates alike. ” The commander of the unit wrote to the family: “One of the heroes died as a fighter and a commander, courageously under enemy fire, overcoming the dangers on the ground and helping to rescue the armored combat vehicle, thereby saving his soldiers. We will continue to carry out the tasks and assimilate his legacy and his memory, so that one’s values ​​and behavior will serve as a personal example. ” The press extensively covered the circumstances of the disaster and many of the articles published shed light on the image of Ahad. Ahed’s teacher wrote in his memory: “You left us one, a message without a lot of words, a message of many intentions and joy of life. “I do not remember where I was / When I realized that life is just a game / The more I delved into things / The rules became harder / I had no idea what the price / life would be I would like to stay with all of you / Please, smile when you think of me / My body is not – that’s all. / For the whole world / To all my friends / I love I have to go / these are the last words / ever say / and they will let me free. / If my heart was still alive / I know it would surely have broken / And my memories will bear It’s a simple thing / What I left behind is the hard one. You know the dead will no longer feel pain. And those who stay alive are scarred. “

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