Naaman (Neumark), Yoram

Naaman (Neumark), Yoram

Yoram, son of Sarah and Joseph, was born on August 27, 1939 in Petah THe joined the IDF in mid-October 1957, and as a member of the “Massad” group of Hashomer Hatzair was posted to the Nahal Brigade. After completing his basic training in the Lahav farm and after basic training, his position as a rifleman was determined, and he was placed in a Nahal unit and was trained in a reconnaissance course, during which he was wounded and his leg was cast in plaster. Yoram, who completed his regular service, submitted a request to study as a reservist in a parachuting course, and was indeed accepted and completed the course. He was assigned to reserve duty in the paratroopers’ paratroopers and served as a patrolman, driver, and later a liaison with the Sayeret, who participated in the Six-Day War in the conquest of the Old City of Jerusalem, and despite being lightly wounded in the leg, In 1965 he left the kibbutz, moved with his family to Tel Aviv and began to study social sciences. And economics at Tel Aviv University. In 1971 he was sent to Venezuela as an economist and consultant in the field of agriculture on behalf of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he spent two years with his family and at the end of August 1973 , Returned to Israel and prepared to join his father’s business.The Yom Kippur War broke out soon after his return from abroad and he was not yet assigned to any unit in the IDF. Unable to sit in his house and wait for a summons, he got up the next morning and went out to look for the Paratroopers’ Unit, his unit since then. He found it and took part in the braking battles in Sinai. On October 16, 1973, Yoram was killed in the difficult battle that took place at the “Tartur Lexicon” junction near the “Chinese Farm.” He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, And two sons, a parents, a brother and a sister.

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