Shemi Yuval

Shemi Yuval

Son of Roth and Aaron. He was born on October 9, 1953, in Kibbutz Beit Hashita in the Jezreel Valley, the birthplace of Yuval in the wide Jewish community of Eastern and Central Europe, a Judaism of Zionist tradition that nourished the third and fifth aliyahs. They immigrated to Israel in 1924. Towards the end of the Third Aliyah, his mother’s parents received a pioneering Zionist education in the Baltic countries, immigrated to Israel in 1933 and joined Kibbutz Tel Yosef in 1944. Yuval’s parents, Second generation in Tel Yosef, they passed the period of struggle for the establishment of the state, they were principled people, and when the tension between the factions of the kibbutz movement increased, they left Tel-Yosef and moved Beit-Hashita, where Yuval was born, he studied at the elementary school and in the kibbutz high school, where he worked in Deir, and when he was wiped out, he moved to Pelcha, where he studied music. In January 1972 he joined the IDF. His ambition was to join the IAF. He went through basic training. In 1973 he was promoted to the rank of Corporal and four years later received the rank of sergeant. In September 1974 he began serving in the career army, occasionally extending the service contract, climbing the ranks and roles, running interceptors, and becoming a phantom pilot. Yuval married the squadron’s operations officer. The couple lived in Sde Etzion near Eilat, where their eldest son was born. In February 1982, Yuval began his career in the Himalayas, and in July 1983. He returned to Israel and announced his desire to retire from the army in July 1983. He continued to serve as a pilot in the Israel Defense Forces, On September 12, 1984, during an interception exercise in the Dead Sea area, two planes collided and Yuval was killed in an accident, at the age of 31. He was laid to rest in the Beit Hashita cemetery. He left behind a wife, a son, a parents, a brother and a sister, and about a month after his second son was killed, the commander of his unit wrote to his family: “During his service in the squadron, Who has always fulfilled his duties, in the air and on the ground, at a high level, in readiness to help and care for every detail he encounters. He created a good and free social atmosphere around him and was loved and loved by his comrades in arms. On operational missions during his service, he showed courage and perfect performance. “In a booklet in his memory, his family and friends reminisced about his life and his character as a friend and commander

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