Mutzafi, Haim

Mutzafi, Haim

Haim, son of Klara and Nissim, was born on October 5, 1954. He studied at the Yahalam Elementary School in Ramat Gan and at the Borochov Elementary School in Givatayim, He continued his studies at the David Kalai high school in Givatayim. When Haim was a year and two months old, his family moved from Jaffa to Ramat Gan, and after finishing third grade, the family moved to Givatayim. Chaim, who was known as Haimon, was a quick-paced student and had no difficulties in his studies, but did not excel at them either. For a short time he was a member of the Scouts movement in Ramat Gan. While studying in elementary school, Haim participated in a class at Beit Zvi in ​​Ramat Gan and was very active in it. During his first years of high school, he participated in the Gadna Shooting Division, took part in various competitions and even won a medal, although he was an outstanding scorer, did not continue to practice goal shooting, and played basketball and soccer. He was quiet and modest and did not like wild entertainment, he had a high sense of humor and he loved cinema and light entertainment, especially the “Hagashash Hahiver.” Before he was drafted, he trained at the bodybuilding institute to nurture his excellent physical fitness. At the end of October 1972 and volunteered for the Armored Corps. After completing basic training and completing a course in the Patton tank and completing a very high grade, he was placed as a tank driver in the Armored Corps, which was stationed on the banks of the Suez Canal. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Chaim was in his battalion and went out in a tank towards the canal to help the attacked strongholds. On that same day, 10 October 1973, in the late afternoon, when he felt in his tank that the company commander asked for help in the connection, the tank was hit and Haim was killed, his burial place was unknown and his memorial was erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, The tomb of fallen IDF soldiers who fell in the Sinai during the Yom Kippur War and whose burial place is unknown. A monument was also erected in his memory in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by his parents and two sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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