Mudrik, Yigal

Mudrik, Yigal

Yigal, son of Tova and Moshe, a Holocaust survivor, was born on 28.1.1952 in Ramat Gan,Yigal was drafted into the IDF in early May 1971 and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade. He soon adapted to the special atmosphere in the brigade headquarters and his commander, who recognized his special qualities, appointed him to be the symbol of operations. The brigade commander testified that he was devoted to his job and possessed the qualities of a person, acceptable and loved by his unitmates. Yigal devoted his short vacations during his army service to his family and his family. He did not tell much about his work and his military activities. Sometimes he would share his experiences with parachutes and special tours, and especially he tried not to worry his family and used to bring joy and joy of life to his home. With the outbreak of the war Yigal was in his natural place in the brigade’s command group. In the first ten days of the war he did not know a moment of rest. Before leaving for the last battle, he lowered his watch from his hand, wrote his parents’ address, and told the soldier they had not known and who had not gone to battle: “In case I fall in combat, give the watch to my parents. “I do not want this watch, which I received from my grandfather before my enlistment, to fall into the hands of an Arab.” In his capacity as an operations sergeant, he had to stay behind, but he demanded that he be sent to the unit. On the night of Oct. 16, 1973, the brigade entered a fire trap in the Chinese Farm, which was parachuted into the paratroopers, and had to return twice, and for the third time, when a small unit of officers and soldiers tried to approach the canal, they encountered an Egyptian ambush and dense fire. (17.10.1973) Yigal was hit by a missile and fell, and he was brought to eternal rest in the Cemetery Failure Kiryat Shaul. Is survived by his parents and a brother. After falling promoted to Sergeant.

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