Moyal, Yosef

Moyal, Yosef

Was born on March 15, 1964 in Be’er Sheva, where he studied at the Masada Elementary School and completed the equipment and control course at the V High School, both in Be’er Sheva. At the beginning of August 1982, and volunteered for the paratroopers. In this corps, he successfully passed the difficult and complicated route of infantry training, parachuting, infantry training and a noncommissioned course. During the course of the courses, Yosef was promoted to rank, and finally he was awarded the rank of First Sergeant. When the Peace for Galilee war broke out, Yosef went up to Lebanon with his unit and fought with his soldiers. On March 30, 1985, Sergeant First Sergeant Yosef fell in combat in Lebanon during the Peace for Galilee War and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva, leaving behind his parents, two brothers and eight sisters. Security: “He was a beloved commander, a good friend, volunteered for every mission. A soldier with great motivation and pride. “And his commander added:” The scope of Yossi’s honor, his respect and admiration for his honesty, his courage and his spirit of volunteerism,

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