Moses, Moses

Moses, Moses

Ben Margalit and Yaakov. He was born on April 24, 1970 in Jerusalem. He began his studies at Carmeli Elementary School, completing his junior high school and finishing with honors at the Beit Hinuch High School in Jerusalem. Throughout his studies he would help, without condescension, to students who had difficulty learning. Moshe used to invite them to his home, to sit and prepare lessons with them and prepare them for exams, while showing their involvement in their success in their studies. There is a case in which Moshe showed great sensitivity to others by taking under his wing an introverted and quiet youth, while caring for his cultivation and feeling that he was not alone. In his hobbies, Moshe had a wide range of activities. He read books a lot and listened to music. Used to play basketball and run long distances. In this profession he represented his school in school competitions nationwide. Moshe loved his home and his parents and respected their feelings. He helped his mother with the housework and used to caress her, embrace her lovingly, and make her laugh all the time. He respected his father’s feelings by putting on tefillin every morning and going to synagogue on Friday and Saturday nights. At the beginning of August 1988, Moshe was drafted into the IDF and began his military career as a distinguished combatant in the Givati ​​Brigade, where he volunteered to be accepted and transferred to the Shimshon unit where he successfully completed his training. He was considered a leading fighter in the unit and a unit in general, and Moshe was involved in many operations, both as a brave fighter and as a friend, and was therefore very popular with his friends and commanders, who had a future for him as one of the senior officers and commanders. He was thirsty to know, to learn, to understand and to know more and more new things. 4.10.1989) at the age of nineteen and a half, he returned from operational activity with a team of fighters. The vehicle in which he was traveling overturned and Moshe fell while carrying out his duties. He was buried in the military cemetery in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, two brothers and two sisters.

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  • Name: מטי ברוכי
    Relationship: אח
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