Morris, Dr. Yeshayahu

Morris, Dr. Yeshayahu

Son of Haya and Natan was born on July 19, 1917 in Glasgow, Scotland. He was an enthusiastic member of the Habonim youth movement and from his youth he aspired to immigrate to Israel. After graduating from the British army, he participated in the European battles with the rank of captain (captain) and was awarded a medal for his courage in saving wounded on the Rhine front. In 1947, he traveled to France and worked in the refugee camps until January 1948, when he immigrated to Israel on a small ship of illegal immigrants to Mandate Palestine. She was caught by the British and her passengers were transferred to Cyprus In March 1948 he arrived in Israel and joined the first week of his arrival, even before the draft order was issued to the doctors, and when he was drafted he was sent as a doctor to the Golani Brigade and excelled in every place that was under his supervision. During the days of the fierce fighting, when the medical equipment was poor and the number of wounded was high, he was visiting the wounded and the wounded on all fronts, even the most dangerous on the front, and he fell in Sejera on Wednesday, June 11, 1948, Assisting the injured in the front clinic. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Afula. After he fell, he was given the rank of captain.

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