Mori, Shimon

Mori, Shimon

Shimon, son of Shim’a and Yihya, was born on the 27th of Marhashon 5713 (15.11.1952) in Jerusalem. When he was very young, his family moved to Kfar Sava, where Shimon attended the Bar-Ilan religious elementary school and the religious school Moreshet. He continued his studies at the vocational high school in Kfar Batya, in a framework program. Shimon was a lively boy full of joy and joy. In his class he was a central figure and in the neighborhood he was at the head of his peers in games and acts of mischief. After a while he became an active member of the “Etzion” youth club, which was dedicated to nurturing various sports clubs. Shimon was an enthusiastic athlete, and many of his friends were also interested in this. Everyone remembers him as the spirit of the animal in the activities of the club. It is difficult to describe the club without Shimon’s work during that period. He considered social activity and the bonds between friends and saw them as the most important thing in human life. Shimon was also highly respected by his teachers and educators, who knew how to respect his friendship and his ability to establish true friendships with people. Shimon was also a devoted son to his parents. He respected them and appreciated everything they did for him. The hard labor they took upon themselves, in order to support him, his two brothers and his two sisters, did not escape. The parents did not spare themselves and worked hard to make their children feel no shortage or neglect compared to children of their age in school or in the neighborhood. For this reason, Shimon decided to graduate from the academic field, to study in a vocational high school. In Kfar Batya he studied the boxing profession and at the end of his studies he immediately went to work. He earned his work in order to help his family and also managed to save to learn to play the accordion. Soon he was so far ahead of the music that he began to perform at various events. He played voluntarily at school parties and was Simcha to sing to his friends in his evening voice. He continued his work and studies until the time of his enlistment, and continued to do so during his vacations while serving in the army. Shimon was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early February 1971. After completing basic training in the Armored Corps, he was trained as a tank gunner, and at the end of the training period he was assigned to one of the IAF field units. In order to give people the free time of training, and was able to win his trophy in three trophies when he was the first to participate in contests for various distances, and during the Yom Kippur War Shimon participated in the battles in the Sinai Desert, On October 22, 1973, was hit by artillery shelling and killed He was brought to rest in the civil cemetery in Kfar Sava, leaving behind his parents, brothers and sisters, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant.

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