Moreno, Emanuel-Yehuda (Good-Elem)

Moreno, Emanuel-Yehuda (Good-Elem)

Emanuel Yehuda, the son of Silvia and Ilan (Shlomo), and brother of Shmuel, Moshe, Joseph-Dan and David, was born in France on the 17th of Sivan 5731 (17.6.1971) to a Zionist-Torah family. In 1972, when he was about one year old, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem, in an expanded Sanhedria neighborhood, “It was a house of benevolence,” says the family’s friend. What characterized them and the children is nobility and walking to the end. There is no half way. That was Emanuel too. All the girls in the neighborhood adored him because they already knew he was heroic, but humble. “Emanuel was educated in the state-religious school system and studied at the Pardes and Ginogli Elementary schools and at the Hartman and Himmelfarb high schools, He was a member of the “Shonra” branch of the Bnei Akiva youth movement and was also a member of the “NESHAM” – a traditional youth group with whom he traveled throughout the country – “always on the move, in action, not resting for a moment” The same circle. Emmanuel’s life was a continuous process of striving and striving for personal perfection – on the ethical and moral plane, and in his lofty mission for the people of Israel, his country and his country. Already as a youth, it was evident that he had a natural leadership and spiritual strength. He was an introverted, quiet, serious student who rarely spoke, but his words always aroused interest, and his friends felt a lot of respect for him. First and foremost, they say, Emmanuel was a friend. “With Emanuel you knew that no matter what, he would never leave you,” they say. Throughout the years, Emanuel gave a supportive shoulder to children who had suffered from difficulties and problems, accompanied them, and gave them unconditional love. “Such was Emmanuel: a simple man, modest, loving others wherever he is, a friend without borders”; “Emmanuel is giving and willing to bear the burden without any expense, in any situation.” At home, too, Emanuel was a counterweight: “He was the sush of the whole family: the one who washed dishes and the one who always had all the pressure before Shabbos drained into him: ironing, washing, washing the floor.” At the end of his high school studies, Emanuel continued to prepare for the “Bnei David” pre-military program for my husband. “There was something wondrous in his earthly abilities,” said Rabbi Eli Sadan, the rabbi of the preparatory program. “He was healthy and strong, with enormous powers and virtuosity that left us excited, and on the other hand he was full of humility, his volunteering was endless, until we once had to ask him to leave room for others too.” Even though he was not a great athlete, His goals set for himself, and his physical strength and assumption of rare willpower. Similarly, his spiritual world was strong: “He had clear and unshakable truths in faith, which he responded to in the mind, for example in the study of Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed.” On August 2, 1990, Emanuel joined the Sayeret Matkal, The path of the fighter in the “Giora” team. From the outset, he stood out for his qualities and special skills; At the end of the course, he joined the command line and led the most complex operational activities, one of the most important in the IDF, whose contribution to state security was invaluable.In August 1999, Emanuel married Maya, , The eldest, was born on the 5th of Tishrei 5761 (July 24, 2001); Neria-Shlomo was born on October 10, 2004, and Noam-Israel was born on December 6, 2005. Emanuel was deeply attached to the children, even if he did not see them. “He never stopped kissing them and took care of their safety and comfort at every turn,” says Maya. After a few years in the Sayeret, Emanuel went to study at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya and worked concurrently with the Shin Bet security service, where he completed his bachelor’s degree in law from a law firm. “But it was not for him. He’s a mountainWhose contribution to the Jewish people is to be done in a different way. Emanuel decided to return to the regular army and to the unit, and served there for sixteen years during which he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel – a rank equivalent to that of the unit commander. During his long years of service, Emanuel was a partner in hundreds of rare campaigns in which he demonstrated heroism, courage and daring. Through the cloak of secrecy, the image of an indomitable warrior becomes legendary in his life. As one of the planners in the unit, Emanuel had vast knowledge in many fields; He was a perfectionist who kept the small details, very sharp, brilliant and determined, and had a phenomenal memory and creativity. Emmanuel was cool, even in extreme and dangerous situations of pressure, and often threw his life away by saving the lives of subordinates and members of the unit. Among other things, Emanuel took part in the daring capture of Mustafa Dirani in Lebanon in 1994 – “He believed in capabilities and stretched them to the limit, and then – a little more.” However, Emanuel never allowed himself to be complacent, and would check himself again and again, raising question marks and doubts. “If the IDF is the best army in the world, and Sayeret Matkal is the best unit in the IDF, and Emmanuel is the best fighter in Sayeret Matkal, then Emanuel is the best fighter in the world,” said the commander. On two of the actions taken by Emmanuel Sharek, his unit received a commendation. “In his lifetime, he was our ‘Yoni Netanyahu,’ a model figure in which they educated and wanted to resemble,” the friends say. Emanuel was a man of intense love for the Torah, a soul-giving over Halakhah, and a clear and proud Jewish saying. His life in the army was the life of a Jew in every aspect of his life: Even after exhausting work, he would not miss a prayer, and he took strict care of the laws of Shabbat and kashrut. “If he was jumped for operational activity on Shabbat, he would drive all the way with closed windows, Desecration of the Sabbath is not necessary. “He breathed, ate and drank faith,” Maya says, and the friends add: “He spoke little, but a lot of good deeds, poured us, “Emanuel believed that redemption was near, and he called to awaken Israel to their Father in heaven.” He was not a ‘missionary’ and did not try to preach and repent, but if you initiated a conversation with him On matters of Judaism, he would respond willingly and then you would have no way to retreat. He would explain, argue, and argue with an unassailable passion, with all his Lev, with deep inner conviction … “From Emanuel’s perspective, the study was the climax, and therefore he took advantage of every minute of learning and progress. “In the army, a religious person is a mirror, an ambassador, who represents the world of Judaism,” Emanuel explained to the seniors, explaining why it was important to go to study before the army. You are required to give an answer – first of all to yourself. “Indeed, Emanuel was able to tell the truth and insist on it, whatever his interlocutor says: During an argument in one of the meetings with the senior staff of the unit, Emanuel stood up and said,” You understand, “One of the values ​​Immanuel represented was the love of the land on the deepest levels, and it was not for nothing that he experienced a deep crisis around the disengagement plan from the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria, and he had to mobilize all his forces to cope with the crisis : “He said that he was faithful to the laws of the army, but the laws of the Almighty are above all, and he expressed himself in the words ‘If I am permitted to participate in’Oh circle of disengagement, I lower the ranks and go home. “After the events of the evacuation in Amona, Emmanuel was broken and frustrated, yet he continued to work for Israel’s security with all the motivation and enthusiasm -” when it came to missions for the homeland he was there until the end. ” The head of Military Intelligence, Aharon Ze’evi-Farkash, said, “As is well known, when a person is in difficulty and in a crisis, he reveals the emotional strength that if the crisis had not been expressed … Let us know how to adopt this view of reality in daily life, as well as in the life of the nation. “Everyone loved Emmanuel, and he treated everyone equally.” He did not need degrees on his shoulders to command, so he always walked without ranks. His influence was in the way he behaved, in his understanding, in his values. “When we met, it seemed to me that the most simple man in the world was standing before me – without any pose, without pride, a simple simplicity that made me simply want to stay next to him, To be his friend, and especially to learn from him. “Lt. Col. Emmanuel Moreno fell in the end of the Second Lebanon War, on the Sabbath of the Holy of Holies, on the 19th of Av 5766 (August 19, 2006), in a battle in the Baalbek region. On the sanctification of his Creator, his country, and his people, leading some 100 fighters to a secret operation in the enemy’s rear, and the mission’s objectives were fully achieved, but during the operation the fighters encountered the fire of the terrorists and Emanuel was killed. “If a person has five seconds left to live and still has meaning to his life and to what is after them, then his whole life has meaning,” Emanuel told the friend, not long before his downfall. “We do not live to satisfy the passions, And to live the moment, but life is another step on the way to the next stage. “When he died, Emanuel returned to the city he loved – Jerusalem, as befitting a holy warrior who lived modestly throughout his life in the middle of the night. Last to the exemplary officer, God-fearing and loving man, noble soul. The eulogy began with the commander of the Sayeret Matkal commando unit, who said: “In recent years, Emmanuel was the flagship of the camp in Pelagot, and an object of pride and appreciation among a young generation of fighters who grew up in his vicinity. Above all, his personality wrapped his values, honesty, love of the homeland, uncontested stability of the Land of Israel, love of man, love of the family … From among these, his strengths and powers, which radiated on us all, strengthened. His modesty, his originality, and his sensitivity – conquered us. “Emanuel, the most senior IDF combatant who fell in the Second Lebanon War, was thirty-five years old when he fell. Survived Raya, a daughter and two sons, parents and four brothers. “There are not many people who are bold and brilliant, with daring and abilities, for whom it is possible to make a great contribution to the security of the State of Israel,” said one of the ministers. “We lost one of the best.” Emanuel’s tombstone was engraved with the words “armed goat and goat, courage and heroism / love of his creator and his people, watching for salvation.” After his fall, he received a commendation from the head of the IDF Intelligence Branch, Brig. Gen. Amos Yadlin, for his many years of work for the security of the State of Israel and for his participation in operational activities during the Second Lebanon War. After his fall, his picture was banned for publication, and the activities he took part in were commemorated.And initiated educational programs inspired by youth, and is working on establishing an educational center in light of his image. The “Emanuel” Talmud Torah, established by the organization, deals with imparting Jewish values, developing leadership, benevolence, helping others, and loving the Land of Israel. The flagship program of the organization is “Follow me! Emmanuel – Leading Youth for Change” that nurtures and develops young leaders. In addition, the association published a collection of stories entitled “Le Dumiya Thalhe”, which is attached to the Hanukkah Haggai by Haggai Son of-Artzi, in which Emanuel’s image is reflected as a source of inspiration and powerful influence. In June 2010, a garden dedicated to his memory, established with the donation of Leo Jacques Alpern, a Holocaust survivor and supported by KKL-JNF, was inaugurated in Talmim. “Emanuel has made tremendous efforts to reach impossible targets,” said his brother, “he was a person who came out of the private sphere and took responsibility for other people, so I feel that this garden is a fitting gesture for him. ” Emanuel’s life story, memoirs and details about the organization’s activities appear on the website established in his memory at www.emmanuelmoreno.org/. Yoram Levi, Emanuel’s friend, recorded a song in his memory, and Emanuel’s three brothers join him in background voices. The Tachkemoni State Religious School in Netanya dedicates educational activities to students to preserve its heritage. Also devoted to the memory of Emanuel was the book by Moshe Keinan, “Am Yisrael Chai” – chapters from the life of the Jewish people, and many other commemorative activities are taking shape: the establishment of a magnificent sports hall in Beit Shean, at the initiative of the mayor, Mr. Jacky Levy, Dr. Yuval Steinitz, who met Emanuel as chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. The Beit Emmanuel residential building was built in the city of David for two young families, initiated by a generous Jew from London and donated four Torah scrolls in memory of Emanuel, and four years after her downfall, her father wrote: “I wanted to tell you that sometimes, There are landscapes that remind me of you, such as the landscape of the desert, because you were like the desert, Yaffa inside and Yaffa outside, full of virtues like grains of sand, full of shades of colors to paint life with them … I wish we will learn your virtues … ” This is part of the Yizkor memorial project, which was conducted by the Ministry of Defense,

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