Monitor, Finish

Monitor, Finish

Son of Malam Pasha and Tzahai Asmama. He was born in Ethiopia on August 6, 1979. When he was four he was orphaned from his father. In 1991 he immigrated with his family to Israel, lived and studied in Netivot. His friends describe him as a sociable young man full of joy. He completed his military service in the Paratroopers Brigade, and after his discharge worked as a security guard. On 13 February 2005, he joined the Prison Service and was placed as a security guard in the Ohalei Kedar prison. On Thursday, 25 Kislev, on the 2nd of December 2010, a forest fire burned on Mount Carmel, always green. The fire, known as the “Carmel disaster”, the largest in the country’s history, destroyed a forest, grove and residential buildings in a large area of ​​the Carmel Park and surrounding communities. At 15:30, the cadets’ bus moved between ancient quarries and Beit Oren, followed by police cars. The fire broke through the walls of the bus, huge walls of fire blocked the traffic artery, seized everything, and at the peak of every shred of life, forty-four men and women perished, thirty-seven of them officers of the Prisons Service Officers and course commanders , Three firefighters and three police officers, and he was thirty-one years old at the time of his death Landing in the military cemetery in Netivot. Survived by his wife and three children.

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