Moncek, Yehezkel

Moncek, Yehezkel

Son of Itel-Beila and Yitzhak-Zvi. Born in 1913 in Bedzin, Poland, to a observant family, he studied at a yeshiva and at the age of fifteen he joined the youth movement of the “Mizrachi Youth” in his city. After a few years, Yechezkel went to a training commune of Hechalutz Hamizrachi in Kielce, and after the 1929 riots in Palestine, the British authorities stopped Jewish immigration. Yehezkel organized some of his friends and together with them immigrated to Israel in 1934. Here he worked first as a construction worker and from the money he earned he occasionally sent funds to his poor parents. He wanted to be a Jewish policeman in Palestine and tried to get accepted to the Tel Aviv police but his request was not accepted due to lack of space. Only during the bloody riots of 1936 did he realize his ambition, was accepted as “another policeman,” and served in Kfar Yona, where he did not hesitate to fill them in the most dangerous places, After he immigrated to Hanita in the western Galilee (21.3.1938), he went there, sat for a short time in the temporary “Hanita Hatit” and later became one of the first to immigrate to “Hanita Elite.” He wrote his impressions in letters to his family abroad: “It is impossible to describe to you the enthusiasm of the members of Hanita, all of us as one body.” On 21 Iyar, May 22, 1938, about two months after the aliyah to Hanita, he was killed in an attack on workers in the fields of the new settlement and was brought to eternal rest. He left parents and seven brothers and sisters. His name was immortalized in the books “Hanita – Aliyah, Defense Attitude,” “On the Way to the IDF,” and “The History of the Haganah”.

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