Moalem, Moshe (Moshon, Morris)

Moalem, Moshe (Moshon, Morris)

Son of Albert and Mazal. He was born on 18 November 1951 in the city of Stet, Morocco, and in 1955 immigrated to Israel with his family. He studied at the Rashi School in Givat Ha’Aliya because of the difficult financial situation of his family, he could not continue his studies and was forced to go to work, but he always told his mother: “When I finish my service you will not work because I will help you.” He was a very active member of Hashomer Hatza’ir until he was drafted into the IDF. He was fond of all those who knew his kindness and willingness to help his friends as best he could. He was a son and a loyal brother. Prior to his enlistment he worked for four years at Savona. In a letter of recommendation given to him by the director of the company: “We must note that he showed an unusual orientation and desire for work, as well as loyalty, integrity and dedication.” Moshe was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1969. On 15.11.1969, he fell while carrying out an enemy attack north of Jericho. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. In the synagogue near his residence, his parents set up a stone, which is a memorial to him; At Yad Labanim, the parents put an album in his name.

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