Moalem, Ben-Zion (‘Benny’)

Moalem, Ben-Zion (‘Benny’)

Son of-Zion, son of Elia and Shoshana Moalem, was born on May 18, 1955, in Maoz Zion. Prior to his enlistment in the IDF, Benny worked as an offset photographer in a Jerusalem photography store, earning a living from his work and helping his family as best he could. Benny was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of November 1973. After completing basic training, he served as a driver in a tank of the Israel Defense Forces, and was later sent to take part in a non-commissioned officer course. On 2 Sivan (31.5.1976) Son of-Zion died during his service. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, brothers and sisters.

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