Mizrahi, Yitzhak

Mizrahi, Yitzhak

Son of-Flora and Netanel, born on 29.12.1930, grew up in the Neve Shalom neighborhood and studied at the Tachkemoni school, where he stopped studying to help his parents and took on any job he had. The young man and his friends went to the hachshara in Sarid, and his parents called him back and he responded with a heavy Lev, and returned to Sarid for six months in the framework of the Palmach. He worked in the bakery and spent his free hours distributing to the Haganah, a training course (in evening classes) and sports. He was a member of the “HaKoach” sports organization, was particularly successful in swimming and won several competitions. Together with four other friends he called a friends’ association and this “quintet” was known for its great fraternity. When they were drafted, the package was separated. Yitzhak volunteered first for the Guard and upon his full enlistment he was placed as a machine gunner in one of the Givati ​​Brigade regiments. He volunteered for the “Paratroopers” battalion of the Palmach’s Harel Brigade, and when he went to the last battle, he felt that he would take revenge on his friend Zalman Poplevski, one of the five. , But as he advanced to the second position he encountered enemy fire and fell on the 18th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948) On the 11th of Adar 5702 (28.2.1050) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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