Mizrahi, Yitzhak

Mizrahi, Yitzhak

Son of Nergas (Zilpa) and Ephraim, was born in 1925 in the Old City of Jerusalem, where he grew up and studied,began to work as a construction worker. He was among the defenders of Jerusalem and he fell fighting for her. Yitzhak joined the”Fighters for the Freedom of Israel” underground.
At the beginning of the War of Independence Yitzhak joined the Jerusalem Brigade. He was constantly in the Old City, where he pushed back attacks. On the day of the surrender of the city, he fell in the last battle, and he died of his wounds on 22 Iyar, May 31, 1948. He was buried in Sheik-Bader Bet. He left behind a wife and child. On the 28th of Elul 5710 (10.9.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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