Mizrahi (Yehezkeli), Tzadok

Mizrahi (Yehezkeli), Tzadok

Tzadok, son of Rachel and Nissim Mizrahi, was born in March 1926 in Jerusalem. After completing his studies, he specialized in frameworks. He was a veteran member of the Haganah and was a member of the Hagash unit in Jerusalem. At the beginning of the War of Independence he joined the army in a squad of saboteurs in the Moriah Battalion, which was accompanied by caravans on Mount Scopus and Atarot. Tzadok was among the defenders of Atarot, Neve Ya’akov, Motza and Kiryat Anavim, and he invented a small mortar for quick use during an attack on caravans. Tzadok was killed in a road accident on the way from the Castell to Jerusalem on the 27th of Adar 5748 (7.4.1948) when the driver of the vehicle, who had dozed off from exhaustion, lost control of the wheel. Tzadok was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem and on 13.9.1951 he was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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