Mizrahi, Netanel (“Nathan”)

Mizrahi, Netanel (“Nathan”)

Son of Yosef and Mazal. Born in Tel Aviv on June 14, 1932. After graduating from the “Alliance” elementary school, he studied at the “Safra” commercial school, and was affiliated with Maccabi and Zevulun. He was a traffic officer in the El Al airline in Lod and worked with calmness and patience, always willing to help others with words of encouragement, letters of encouragement, The thanks to the El Al offices testify to his help in the past, and he was drafted into the IDF in June 1950 and gave his compulsory service after the War of Independence. He was then called to serve in the Sinai system and was finally called to the flag before the Six-Day War. After this war Nathaniel fell in the line of duty; This was on the 13th of Sivan 5727 (June 21, 1967). Laid a pregnant wife and two sons; The third son, named after his father, was born about two weeks after the fall of his father. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. His name was immortalized in the newsletter El Al.

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