Mizrahi, Eliahu

Mizrahi, Eliahu

Son of Diamante (Pnina) and Shlomo, was born in Jerusalem in 1924 to a family of laborers and learned from his childhood. On the day he hammered with shoemaker shovels, in the evenings he studied evening classes on behalf of Hanoar Haoved and at every available hour he studied the book. He had a comfortable, cheerful temperament and was fond of all his knowledge and knowledge. He had a theatrical talent and studied in the Histadrut’s dramatic studio under the guidance of Raphael Zvi. He saw the game as a certificate of his life and tried to study it. Every performance on the stage was an experience accompanied by many doubts. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he enlisted immediately and took part in many daring battles to defend Jerusalem. During his few leisure hours, between missions and missions, he set up a military band to ease the tough and gray life of the soldier. Eliahu was among the members of the “Halach” (“the Mountain Division”) division, Palmach and Hachash fighters who were sent as reinforcements to Gush Etzion after the large attack on the Bloc on January 14, 1948. The fighters left Hartuv on the night of January 15-16, And equipment, but due to the late hour of departure and the difficulties of the road, they were unable to reach Gush Katif in the middle of the night, when the department was discovered by villagers in the vicinity of the villages of Beit Natif, Jaba and Zurif, “Battle Hill” today) and fought with the masses of Arabs until they all fell in battle on the day of the 15th of Shevat 5708 (16.1.1948). He was buried in a mass grave in Kfar Etzion. A year and a half later, on the 17th of Cheshvan 5710 (17.11.1949), he was transferred to eternal rest, together with the other victims of Gush Etzion, at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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