Mizrahi, Eli

Mizrahi, Eli

Ben Esther and Abraham. He was born on April 22, 1973, at the Elisha Hospital in Haifa, the eldest son of his parents, a brother of Dror, Gabriel and Ruthi, a very smiling and special child who loved music very much and at a young age discovered his talent for playing the piano. And studied computer science, programming and computer games Eli grew up in Acre and began his studies at the Herzog State Religious Elementary School, where he studied at the “Comprehensive Amichai Kennedy” religious high school, And continued his studies at the “Beit Shmuel” yeshiva high school in Hadera until the end of the twelfth grade, and he studied at the Maalot Yaakov hesder yeshiva in Ma’alot. Character. At the end of a lesson, in July 1992, he joined me in the army. He was stationed in the Givati ​​Brigade and was first employed as a combat sergeant and later as a cadet in the Engineering Corps. He completed his service in the 5752-1992 academic year, and after completing his military service, Eli began to develop his technical sense. He studied at the Erez College in Shlomi and completed his bachelor’s degree in computer technology. He continued his studies and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in software engineering at the Western Galilee College in Acre. Eli joined the ranks of the career army as a technician in a maintenance squadron in the IAF. All his life, Eli’s heart had been subjected to one love, which had grown and intensified in the course of time and she-his love for motorcycles. The power of his love for motorcycles was clearly evident in his speech and bright eyes whenever the subject came up. Eli enjoyed every opportunity to ride his last, beautiful and powerful motorcycle, which loved great love. On 3 March 2004, Maj. Gen. Eli Mizrahi was critically injured in a motorcycle accident while on his way home from his home and was hospitalized unconscious for a month and a half at Rambam Hospital and then nine months at the Levinstein Hospital and three months at home The Elisha Hospital. A long period of anticipation, tension and waiting for his fate went through the family and friends. The family gave him the best treatment, played songs he loved, screened him with films he loved, including motorcycle racing. His father played the accordion with him, his brother Gabi played the guitar for him so that something familiar might wake him up. The family stroked, hugged, and hugged him warmly and talked to him incessantly. Friends and family members who accompanied Eli throughout his life came to the hospital, talked and tried stories and prayers, wanted him to give the smallest sign that he could hear and respond in any way, but their prayers were not answered and all they could hope for was that Eli had reached the world of truth when his soul was pure. Eli’s consciousness did not return to him until he died on April 21, 2005, at the age of thirty-two. Eli was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. Survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister. The text of the personal inscription on his tombstone reads: “At the end of the day, everything sounds like fearing God, and His commandments are preserved, for this is all man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). The family chose this verse because Eli always believed that our purpose in this world was to fulfill God’s commandment. Eli contributed greatly to yeshivas and the needy, and helped everyone around him. Avraham, Eli’s father, eulogized him: “Eli, as a child and as an adult you have had other accidents, but you like your luck, you came out unharmed like a strong bull. And complete. ” The commander of the maintenance squadron, Lt. Col. Benny, eulogized him: “Eli gave a good atmosphere because he was a person whose heart was only good and his pleasant smile.” Eli’s friends wrote: “His character can be characterized by the quiet that surrounds him, his honesty and modesty. Eli loved to help whoever turned to him, always smiled, and beatThe most powerful of all – the religious faith that apparently shaped his character and personality, which he acquired within the framework of the family and the hesder yeshiva. “The family intends to publish a memorial book commemorating Eli.

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