Mizrachi, Menachem

Mizrachi, Menachem

Son of Rachel and Rahamim, was born in 1914 in the city of Nusern, Turkey. In 1928 the family immigrated to Israel. Menahem-Binyamin grew up in Jerusalem, studied in a “cheder” and a Talmud Torah, and at a young age began to work. Was an old member of the Haganah. With the outbreak of the Second World War he joined the British Army and served for six years on the fronts of Egypt and Libya, Italy and the Central European countries. With the UN General Assembly resolution of 29.11.1947 on the partition of the land and the outbreak of the War of Independence, he enlisted and went to positions around Jerusalem on 28.6.1948, during the first truce, , Was wounded by a sniper bullet and died on the spot, was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem on September 13, 1948, and was transferred to the eternal military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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