Mizrachi, David
David, son of Haviva and R ‘Yaakov, was born on March 8, 1948 in Rehovot. His parents’ home was an Orthodox one, blessed with many children, and David attended a Talmud Torah in his hometown. After eight years of study, he studied Torah in yeshivas in Bnei Brak, Rishon Letzion, Tel Aviv and Kfar Chabad. David was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of 1970 and joined the ultra-Orthodox Nahal Aluma group. After completing his basic training, he went to Shalata in the ultra-Orthodox moshav of Komemiyot, and in the meantime married his age-old daughter, Ora, and had a daughter, who later died a few hours after his birth. David continued to serve in the IDF and took a course for tanks and tank drivers. In his release card he was told: “His behavior is very good.” At the beginning of 1973 David was discharged from regular service, was assigned to a reserve unit of the Armored Corps and began to build his home. But he did not have much time left. A few months later, the Yom Kippur War broke out. David stabilized in his unit and was sent to participate in the battle on the Golan Heights. On the following day, the commander of the bereaved family wrote: “It happened on October 8, 1973, in the vicinity of the village of Nafach in the Golan Heights.” At dawn the tank moved with four other tanks back toward the quarry, To help another force, which was in serious condition, while the tanks entered the fire trap of several large Syrian tanks, and the commander ordered the tanks to retreat, and while the tanks were moving backward, the tank received a direct hit from a shell from which David was hit. ” In the cemetery in his hometown of Rehovot, leaving behind a wife and two daughters, parents, brothers and sisters, in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family. “David was a soldier in an armored unit and was a soldier with a superior personality, many of whom were not like him, he was devoted to his friends and his role, loved the place and the people. To raise the morale of those around him, his memory will not be forgotten and his image will stand before our eyes for ever. “