Mizrachi, Avraham (Karmoni)

Mizrachi, Avraham (Karmoni)

Avraham, son of Zilpa and Yitzhak Mizrachi (Karmoni), was born on December 5, 1929 in Jerusalem. After completing his studies, he worked in the laundromat , and when he was 16, he joined the Haganah by saying that he was 19. Avraham trained around Jerusalem and was sent to accompany convoys from Jerusalem to Talpiot, in Neve Yaakov until its evacuation, and from there he moved to Mount Scopus, Deir Yassin and the Schneller camp. Avraham completed an artillery course, was attached to an artillery unit and together with some of his friends went to fight in various places around Jerusalem. Avraham was killed in an attack on the Muzarra neighborhood on the 3rd of Sivan, June 10, 1948. He was buried in Sheikh Bader Aleph. On the 28th of Elul 5710 (10.9.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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