Mizrachi, Aliza

Mizrachi, Aliza

Daughter of Pnina and Moshe, born in July 1927 in Tiberias and acquired a thorough education, was active in the Histadrut HaNoar Haoved, Ha-Po’el and the Haganah, and worked as a clerk in the Davar newspaper. Many months before the official draft was announced, she took part in various activities of the Haganah underground against British rule, and was joined to the liaison unit in one of the Golani Brigade battalions, And she continued to serve heroically and devotedly throughout the difficult days of the battle. For reasons of health she was offered to be released from any active military role, but she refused. Aliza was injured in a road accident on the Nazareth road, was hospitalized for two days and died on 24.1.1949. She was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Tiberias.

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