Mittelman, Mordechai (Coyo)

Mittelman, Mordechai (Coyo)

Mordechai, son of Yatta and Avraham-Yitzhak was born on March 20, 1928, in the city of Botoshen, Romania. He completed high school and immigrated to Israel in 1946. He was part of the Youth Aliya and moved to the Palmach during the War of Independence, serving in the 7th Brigade. Mordechai participated in Operation Ben-Nun B in the attack on the Legion in Latrun in order to break through the road to Jerusalem. In this battle, on the 21st of Iyar, May 30, 1948, he fell, with both hands gripping the machine gun. He was buried in Na’an. On the 2nd of Sivan 5705 (18.5.1950) he was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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