Mittelman, Atzmon

Mittelman, Atzmon

Son of Yitzhak and Katy. He was born on the 25th of Kislev 5709 (December 25, 1948) in the middle of the sea on the ship “Atzma’ut”. He completed his elementary studies at Pardes Hanna in the Merhavim school and later studied at the ORT school in Netanya. He spent one year at Amal in Ramle and eventually studied for two years at the Israeli College in Rehovot and received a high school diploma. He was a counselor at Scouts. He was drafted into the IDF in November 1966 and after a few years of basic training, he passed several courses with honors and served in the Golani Brigade, where he worked as a platoon commander in coordination with his unit officer. At the height of his regular service, the Six-Day War broke out and on the second day of its battles, on the 26th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), when the Syrian enemy began an artillery bombardment, fell at the Huri orchard in the Golan Heights. His comrades were standing next to her squad, and when the order was issued to open fire on the enemy positions, he ran to help his comrades in bringing weapons, while the bullet of death hit him. For a rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya and was later transferred to the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and the commander describes him as “a disciplined and orderly soldier, smiling and always laughing. Was ready to help his friends. “It should be remembered that all those who knew him as a concern for all his friends – especially the sick and the wounded – visited them in hospitals on a short vacation.

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