Mitchnik, Kochav-Walter

Mitchnik, Kochav-Walter

Son of Shimon Raphael and Hanna (Anita) was born on 21.1.1954 in Kfar Saba and studied at the Narkissim Elementary School in Kiryat Tivon and in high schools in Kiryat Tivon and Haifa. He was trained in aircraft maintenance at the Air Force Technical School in Haifa, because because of color blindness, he could not study electronics, and when he grew up he changed the game by fixing and assembling transistors and similar delicate works. He was kind and loved to help people who did not receive a reward, but he excelled in his sense of duty and responsibility, and they determined his fate to a large extent. In mid-December 1972 and was assigned to the Air Force. From his childhood he loved the army and everything connected to it and often expressed his desire to continue in the career army. On July 10, 1973, a week after he was injured when he helped the victims of a road accident, he was transferred to the Matriculation School and asked to expand his knowledge. And kept others from being hurt, Tarsh Kochav fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Kiryat Tivon. His commander wrote condolences to the family: “Despite the short stay of the late star in my unit, he stood out in his friendly approach to all, out of a strong desire to learn and advance in his positions. Was admired and accepted by his commanders and colleagues, especially in light of his great willingness to help others beyond what was required of him. “

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