Mishali, Moshe (Mishka)

Mishali, Moshe (Mishka)

Son of Yaffe and Yitzhak, was born on 28 September 1921 in Jerusalem. At a young age, the family moved to Tel Aviv. Moshe completed his studies at the Kol Israel Haverim school with honors and moved to the high school for commerce, but the difficult financial situation at home forced him to stop his studies. He went to work but continued to study on his own. Thus he acquired basic knowledge of chemistry and worked in a factory. His personal qualities and basic education enabled him to be a mouth and a shield for his fellow workers, and he was elected as a member of the workers’ committee. During the Second World War he served as a guard. He was an active and active member of the Haganah, to which he joined at the age of 14, and during the War of Independence he turned 15 years of service. Moshe served in the “Carmeli” brigade and was a certified platoon commander, participated in the battles of Latrun and Kula, and was recently in the Western Galilee, on the way to the conquest of Givat Balaton, to secure Nahariya. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. He left behind a wife and child.

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