Mishalev, Talal

Mishalev, Talal

Son of Nahi and Fawzi. He was born on 18.5.1988 in Abu Snan. Brother to twelve. His parents gave him his name because of its special meaning according to the Arabic language sources: Talal is a last bastard, priceless and rich in human virtues, left as the sole remnant after total destruction. Because of his exclusivity, this descendant is the sole testimony of a beloved period that has passed without her again. Talal attended the “State A” elementary school in his hometown and continued to the comprehensive high school, also in Abu Snan, where he studied in the real-chemical field. In Abu Snan, Druze, Arab Christians and Muslim Arabs live side by side in peace and fraternity. Talal absorbed these values ​​both from the environment and from the Mishlav family, that respect for others is a central value in the education of their children. Talal stood out in his gentleness, his way of the land and the respect he gave to others. He has charisma, an occupying personality and a special talent for creating and maintaining excellent interpersonal relationships, through which he quickly gained the trust of everyone around him – adults and children alike. As a peace seeker from within, he wanted to encourage reconciliation and bringing together his peers, and the positive goals he set for himself gave him a place of honor in society. He knew how to make every obstacle a challenge, both in the social and educational spheres. Therefore, it served as a source of inspiration and empowerment for its members; And his parents and teachers were relieved. Talal was an exemplary family member; he saw his family as a central and constitutive axis in shaping his identity and personality, expressing in every way and opportunity his absolute loyalty, without reservations, to the family unit in general and to his parents in particular. When he was asked about his intentions and goals in life, he replied, “It will be all right,” and quickly returned to his work, always directing his actions to the well-being of the family, to its establishment and to its strengthening. , The success of the family as his own success, while Tareq, his twin brother who was born five minutes before him, was a lively personality, Talal was considered the quiet brother of his family. Characterized him from an early age, and they are also the qualities that explain his sweeping evasion, The smile never left his lips, and testified above all to the satisfaction that Talal felt when he acted for the sake of his loved ones, the secret of his great charm lay in his great work and his blessed work. He has been very successful in riding the horses with his brother Mu’in, a hobby that he began to develop from the age of 14. On March 21, 2007, Talal To the IDF. At first, he underwent basic training for a rifleman and then was assigned to a fighter aircraft mechanic course at the Haifa Air Force Technical School. At the end of his professional training, Talal was assigned to serve at the Nevatim Air Force Base (Air Force Base 28), an air-support squadron, a combat aircraft unit, where he served as an F-16 mechanic for two years, Major Israel Bustan, editor of the Bamahane newspaper: “Talal was a quiet and disciplined soldier who always did what he was told and in the right way. When we wanted to tell the soldiers who to take an example, we would say, ‘Like Talal.’ Although Talal lived far away, he wanted to serve in Nevatim because he was treated here and the conditions he received were good, because we appreciated him and thought he was an excellent soldier. He was very loved by his friends and no one had a bad word to say about him. “On a Saturday morning on a weekend break, he leftTalal for a trip with two of his brothers. On Route 70, the three noticed a mishap in their vehicle and stopped at the side of the road. When they got off their vehicle, a car came off its path toward the edge and hit all three. Talal was killed on the spot. His two brothers, Mu’in and Bulkan, were severely and moderately wounded. Sergeant Talal Mishlav fell on 15.8.2009 during his service in a traffic accident near the Somekh junction. He was twenty-one when he fell. After his death he was promoted to First Sergeant. He left a couple of parents, four sisters: Milia, Tamara, Hula and Ataf, and eight brothers: Atef, Jaber, Sif, Samuel, Bolkan, Mu’in Saker and Tarek. Talal was laid to rest in the Abu Sinan cemetery a few hours after his fall, according to the Druze tradition. On the last Friday of his life, Talal performed a mechanical treatment of his uncle’s SUV, without being asked for it, with the simplicity and generosity that characterizes him. At the end of the treatment, he accumulated a considerable quantity of grease, so he wiped his hands on the hidden bottom part of the vehicle. His father stayed nearby and watched the innocent act wondering why he chose us in this “original” way to remove the rough dirt from his hands. The next day the father remembered the thing, turned to look at the bottom of the jeep, and his eyes showed the full handprint of the precious son. Because of its clear form, it looks like the seal that Talal left, as a farewell to his dear ones, before the worst of all happens and his life will be prematurely reduced. Talal’s funeral was attended by many members of the Druze community who attended not only because they respected the grieving family, but out of a sincere and genuine desire to accompany the quiet and smiling young man whom everyone loved as if they were their only child. Brigadier General Yigal Son of-Guy wrote to the bereaved family: “Talal served as an aircraft mechanic at Nevatim Air Force Base, a position he performed with great professionalism and high motivation.” Talal was an exemplary soldier with a high personal level, very fond of his friends The soldiers and commanders of the unit will never forget the good moments with Talal at the base, his shared experiences and his kindness, and Talal was a special kind that you can not find every day, and his untimely death is a great loss for us all. “

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