Mintz, David

Mintz, David

Son of Yehuda and Sarah. He was born on July 5, 1920, in the city of Radomsk, Poland. He graduated from elementary school and later in a vocational school. At the outbreak of the Second World War he fled Poland to Russia and was considered an enemy of the Soviet regime and was therefore imprisoned in a detention camp. Where he was discovered as a proud Jew and suffered no degradation. In 1942 he was released from the detention camp and conscripted into the Red Army. On the Ukrainian front bread was wounded. After the war, he returned to Poland and engaged in smuggling Jews to Palestine. In 1947 he disguised himself as an American tourist and thus moved to West Germany. He immigrated to Israel at the beginning of the War of Independence on the Altalena and immediately on his way to the homeland. In July 1948 he joined the ranks of the fighters. Worked in the southern front and successfully completed a mortar course. After the war he began to work as a watchmaker. He then moved to Haifa, married and worked as a plumber. In the last four years of his life he would have been willing to take any action, volunteered for all kinds of roles, and filled them with joy. Was one of the best scenes in his company. He was quiet in nature and during leisure time he loved to sit among his friends and reminisce. This was how he used to do all the days until on the eighth of Av 5714 (7.8.1954) he sat under the tree at night and suddenly felt himself ill – and then died and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa.

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