Milner, Uri (Cookie)

Milner, Uri (Cookie)

Son of Sita and Fritz, was born on August 3, 1929 in the city of Frankfurt, on the river Main, Germany. In 1933, at the age of four, his parents immigrated to Israel. Uri, who was a graduate of the “Hugim” High School in Haifa, was a graduate of the National Council’s final exams and wanted to continue his studies. He was primarily interested in history and sociology. He was a member of the Ha – Shomer ha – Tsa’ir youth movement. In 1947, immediately after graduating from high school, he became a guard at the Jewish settlement police. Uri was a noble and refined man, full of grace and personal charm, endowed with a sense of fairness and justice, a lover of poetry and music and a good musician, with a talent for stage play, seeking truth and removing all false pathos. On the day of the declaration of the state, he was drafted into the army with his fellow guards. Uri served in the 7th Brigade and fought in battles to break the road to Jerusalem. Was hit by a shell near Latrun – half an hour before the start of the first truce. He was transferred to the hospital, where he was even more concerned about the safety of his wounded comrades. He fell on Wednesday, June 11, 1948. He was laid to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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