Miller, Jacob (Werner)

Miller, Jacob (Werner)

Son of Bella and Hermann was born on 15.1.1910 in the city of Gira, Germany, graduated from the Gymnasium and completed his law studies at the university in 1933 but was not ordained as a lawyer, In addition to literature, he loved music and achieved considerable achievements in playing the piano, and he immigrated to Israel on 19.9.1938 and worked in various printing houses, first in Tel Aviv and later in Tel Aviv. He was known for his love of the book and did not see him walking down the street without a book in his hand.In the outbreak of the War of Independence after the UN General Assembly decided to partition the country, To poor health and continued to practice. On his way to work on September 15, 1948, he was seriously wounded by a bullet and the next day, on September 16, 1948, died of his wounds. He was buried in Sheikh Bader Aleph. On the 17th of Elul 5710 (August 30, 1950) he was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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